PC – Assassin’s Creed Origins
Download 100% completed savegame file for – PC – Assassin’s Creed Origins – 2017
- Download savegame file;
- Extract it from .7z archive;
- Copy save to possible savegames folder location;
- Copy the CODEX.ini file to the folder where you have installed the game and replace it.
- Make a backup of your save before adding!
Example of the savegame folder location
- CODEX – C:\Users\Public\Documents\uPlay\CODEX\Saves\AssassinsCreedOrigins
- Description – Main game and DLC’s completed for 100%. Character LVL 55, all skills unlocked, map opened, special transport, suits – 58. Almost everything is bought and unlocked + bonus items from the Ubisoft store. You can start New Game + with all these items from the game.
- Version – CODEX
- Author – TalismanYda4i
This is essentially worthless because it’s unfortunately not using the most popular language in the world (the language the game was originally cracked in) – it’s not using English.
How do I change the CODEX version with this save to English, or is it simply not possible with this save?
Hello, it’s not useless. Unfortunately, people who speak the most popular language in the world usually are not sharing their save files…
For example: how many savesgames do you share here or somewhere else?
Changing the language in the game is very easy.
Read this article and comments (it’s for Cyberpunk, but will work for any other game) https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackSupport/comments/kem8bd/how_change_language_in_cyberpunk_codex_version/
That’s a good point, I’m not sure why people don’t try sharing English save files. They seem to be really rare.
I tried submitting a save file for Horizon Zero Dawn in English a couple weeks back, and it never got approved. I have another save file to submit for Horizon Zero Dawn as well (this one is different yet again, it has all bandit camps available) but I’m not sure if that’ll get approved either.
Thanks for the link, I found out that it is actually in the language settings in game.
I try so hard to find my save game location ASC Origin but I couldnt find!! I dont know where it is I know that you menthioned C:\Users\Public\Documents\uPlay\CODEX\Saves\AssassinsCreedOrigins
fitgirl version installed
Does this save have ezio and altair clothes?