PC – Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Download the savegame file for – PC – Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – 2022
- Download savegame file;
- Extract it from the .7z archive;
- Copy the save file to a possible savegames location;
- Make a backup of your save before adding!
Example of the savegame folder location
- C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment\LEGO Star Wars – The Skywalker Saga\SAVEDGAMES\User ID Number\SLOT1
- C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment\LEGO Star Wars – The Skywalker Saga\SAVEDGAMES\User ID Number\PROFILEDATA
- The main story of the game is 100% completed
- All 9 episodes are completed
- Side missions are not completed
- Some collectibles
- Author – ForceMeowCat
- The main story of the game is 100% completed
- The save game has 159 characters unlocked
- Some collectibles including studs 2x and studs 4x
- 4/5 capital ships
- 2 micro starfighters
- 27/69 starships unlocked
- Author – CatoramaYT
- The main story of the game is 100% completed
- The save game has 220 characters unlocked
- Not all side missions are completed
- All Capital Ships unlocked
- Coins ~ 71 000 000
- Author – Madinjustices
- The main story of the game is 100% completed
- The save game has All characters unlocked
- All Capital Ships unlocked
- 50 ships unlocked
- Coins ~ 20 000 000
- Author – Lego Man
- The game is 100% completed
- The save game has All characters unlocked
- Everything unlocked
- Author – Legendary Lego Man
- The game is 100% completed
- New capital ships included (this is for steam)
- Author – Ya Boi Mr. Blitz
Not 100%
Yes, it’s written in the description. The main story is completed. Side missions are not…
could we get a save with all minikits
If someone will contribute it I will update this post
Are all the characters if not most are unlocked?
3/69 starships only 2x studs the description says wrong about the 100% save
Which one has 3/69 starships and only 2x studs? Save by ForceMeowCat or CatoramaYT?
prob you
The first save is Russian, how do I change it to English?
Read this
thank you so much. my save file got corrupted but now i can finally play again without starting over
I wish there is a 100% save game that includes all the characters unlocked on all the planets in the Galaxy Free Play mode besides unlocking the characters throughout the story completing the story level missions with the minikits fully collected, all the side missions, races fully completed, all kyler bricks, datacard, and even ships fully discovered and collected and etc.
Damn didn’t expect my save
why you no give a 100% save file ? what is the point
I will upload a complete 100% save file if someone will send it to me
Hey @SaveGame.Pro, From what I see, there is no current 100% save for Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. I have only seen it on a Sony Playstation on a reddit.
We can wait until someone will completed this game and sent it to me)
I am uploading one now
Thank you) post updated
Didn’t anyone have uploaded the save with all 380 characters unlocked yet?
Nope, it’s all that was sent to me, for now
I really wanted the 100% save game with all 380 characters unlocked along with the kyber bricks fully collected, side missions, challenges fully completed and also story levels with all minikits fully collected and etc
you have to wait
Fantastic. I am interested and I hope it will be uploaded to the site
Post updated
I have a 380 character save
On PC?
Can you upload it?
Save added
You’re not just a lego man. You’re my man
Is there any 100% save file with the new capital ships, all the ones I saw were without them
I just uploaded one with all 100% with the new capital ships
Thank you, post updated.