PC – Borderlands 2
Download 100% completed savegame file for – PC – Borderlands 2 – 2012
- Download savegame file;
- Extract it from .7z archive;
- Copy save files to possible savegames location;
- If you have no User ID Number start game and make 1 save;
- Steam users turn off Steam Cloud for this game;
- Make a backup of your save before adding!
Example of the savegame folder location
- C:\Users\%UserName%\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\User ID Number
- The game is 100% completed.
- Maya as Siren level 80. Main game and DLC’s completed. Good weapons and items.
- Axton as Commando level 72 main game completed. Good weapons and items.
- Salvador as Gunzerker level 72 main game completed. Good weapons and items.
- Zer0 as Assassin level 72 main game completed. Good weapons and items.
- Gaige as Mechromance level 72 main game completed. Good weapons and items.
- Krieg as Psycho level 72 main game completed. Good weapons and items.
- Author – Kraniym